Reflections in Hospice Care
Webinar Slides
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The webinar "Reflections in Hospice Care" led by Dr. Chalat Rajaram explores the integration of mindfulness, healing, spirituality, and self-care in hospice settings. It highlights the importance of incorporating spirituality into healthcare, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Rajaram emphasizes how spirituality can significantly enhance patient care, reduce healthcare professional burnout, and facilitate a holistic approach to treatment.<br /><br />The presentation underscores the necessity of a spiritual assessment in healthcare, showing how spirituality positively influences patient coping mechanisms and emotional wellbeing. Tools like FICA and HOPE are introduced to help healthcare providers address spiritual aspects with patients effectively.<br /><br />The content also touches upon the personal journey and insights of the speaker, including poetry and personal practices like Tonglen Meditation, which offer emotional and spiritual support. Dr. Rajaram’s reflections highlight that addressing spirituality in medicine is not only beneficial for patient care but also essential in nurturing a compassionate healthcare environment.<br /><br />Moreover, the webinar discusses emerging themes such as the expansion of spiritual care education across healthcare professions and the recognition of spirituality as a social determinant of health. These efforts aim to foster unity between physical and spiritual aspects of healing, promoting comprehensive patient-centered care.<br /><br />Challenges related to providing spiritual care, such as the diverse beliefs and cultural backgrounds of patients and providers, are acknowledged, underscoring the need for a sensitive and inclusive approach. The session concludes with key takeaways, encouraging healthcare professionals to incorporate self-care into their daily lives and emphasizing the integral nature of spiritual care in fostering better health outcomes.
hospice care
holistic treatment
spiritual assessment
FICA tool
Tonglen Meditation
spiritual care education
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